Scanning Photos

Digitize your family memories!  Bring your old photographs to the library to scan them to a flash drive for easy access on your computer.  The Kling Memorial Library has a copier available for public access from which you can make copies or scan documents to a flash drive.  There is no cost associated with scanning papers or photos to a flash drive.  Patrons must supply their own flash drive.  Staff may be available to assist you with your scanning project, but if it is a larger project please make an appointment in advance.   Below are the steps involved with using the public copier to scan photos. 

Arrange photos on scanner bed starting at the top left corner by the green arrow.  You can scan multiple photos at one time or each individually.

Insert your flash drive into the USB port.

Options will appear on the touch screen display.  Select "Scan to USB"

On this screen you can title your scan, i.e. "Photos of Mom" and choose options such as black and white or color.  When you're ready to scan, press "Scan" in the upper right hand corner.  Your images will be scanned and the copier will alert you when your images have been saved to your flash drive.  You can then scan more photos or remove your flash drive.